Procedures performed annually at the Schulich Heart Program, a leader in cardiac care.

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World Class Trauma Care Right in the Neighbourhood

Tracy taking a run outside the Sunnybrook building

Tracy Collura was on a training riding through a local park with her husband when everything changed in an instant.

Tracy found herself braking suddenly to avoid colliding with a groundskeeper’s golf cart, but it was too late for the avid cyclist, runner and triathlete. Tracy was thrown over her handlebars, landing face-first on the pavement. Unable to move, she knew her injuries were severe.

“Luckily, the closest hospital was Sunnybrook,” says Tracy. Given the magnitude of her injuries, she was transferred to Sunnybrook’s trauma unit, which is Canada’s first Level One trauma centre verified by the American College of Surgeons. “When I was moved to the trauma unit, I was still awake and noticed the very large team reviewing my treatment plan,” she says. “I felt very safe and knew I was in good hands.”

Tracy’s injuries included multiple jaw fractures, three missing front teeth, serious facial lacerations, a fractured hand, cervical spine fractures and the most critical of all, a fractured larynx which luckily was caught early. While she knew Sunnybrook as one of the best teaching hospitals in North America, it wasn’t until she was a patient that she discovered how advantageous it was to be cared for in the Tory Trauma Program. In her toughest moment, Sunnybrook was the place to be.

“Each health discipline came to see my full history and provided care that was well thought out and exactly what I needed at that time. It was like I was the only patient they had to care for; I was definitely a priority,” she says. Beyond this level of interdisciplinary collaboration and expertise, Tracy also felt the kindness of doctors, nurses, social workers and therapists to be heartening and reassuring.

“In those early weeks, I felt completely vulnerable and I knew that when family and friends were not around, the team had my back,” she says. As Tracy continues her recovery journey, she feels extremely fortunate.

Tracy Collura photographed at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre in Toronto, On. January 25, 2024

“There are no words to describe how grateful I am, and the everlasting impression everyone left on me,” she says. From the surgeons who plated my larynx, pinned my hand, and sutured the lacerations on my face to the dentists who performed and continue to provide extensive dental reconstruction, she has been impressed how every team member delivers a personalized experience.

“There are no words to describe how grateful I am, and the everlasting impression everyone left on me,” she says. From the surgeons who plated my larynx, pinned my hand, and sutured the lacerations on my face to the dentists who performed and continue to provide extensive dental reconstruction, she has been impressed how every team member delivers a personalized experience.

On a recent follow up visit, Tracy had an unexpected interaction with Sunnybrook’s President and CEO, Dr. Andy Smith: “He asked me if I needed any help with directions! In my opinion, a CEO who takes this kind of time is truly leading by example.”

These days, Tracy is back to her regular daily runs and meeting up with her local running club on the weekends. In addition to the ongoing support of family and friends she credits the commitment and compassion of the staff at Sunnybrook with playing a critical role in regaining an active life.

“Without the care I received while at the hospital, the access to ongoing treatments and follow-up, I would not be as far ahead as I am today,” she says. Looking ahead, Tracy and her husband are getting ready to travel this spring. Thanks to the outstanding comprehensive support she continues to receive, she feels confident and excited to embark on new adventures.