Procedures performed annually at the Schulich Heart Program, a leader in cardiac care.

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A Tribute to Terry O’Sullivan

Terry always made time for Sunnybrook, as a donor and a volunteer

An image of Terry O’Sullivan with his wife, looking at each other holding hands in a garden

Terry O’Sullivan was a beloved member of Team Sunnybrook for nearly a quarter century. A dedicated donor and volunteer, his commitment to giving back will continue to inspire many.

With his passing Sunnybrook has lost not only an advocate, leader and champion, but a dear friend.

Terry O’Sullivan
1947 – 2022

Year after year, Terry was named one of Canada’s top litigators. Despite the demands of his career, which saw him represent clients before all levels of Ontario Courts and the Supreme Court of Canada, Terry always found time to support causes close to his heart. His firm belief in the power of philanthropy came from his parents, who were both tireless volunteers in their communities.

Terry once said, “Philanthropy is a learned behaviour,” which is why he and his wife Corey Simpson made sure to instill that value in their two daughters.

That value was felt across many hospitals, including Sunnybrook, which were fortunate to have benefitted from Terry’s governance and generosity.

It is impossible to overstate Terry’s importance in shaping our Sunnybrook community. He was first introduced to the Sunnybrook Family in the early 2000s, when he represented Women’s College Hospital Foundation during discussions that led to the merger of Sunnybrook, Women’s College and the Orthopaedic & Arthritic Institute Foundations.

After a two-year term as a senior member of the newly formed Sunnybrook & Women’s Foundation Board, Terry stepped up to lead as Board Chair. While there were many changes over the years, including the de-merger, Terry’s strong leadership was a constant.

With Terry playing an integral role, Sunnybrook Foundation launched a $470-million capital campaign, our largest to date. In the years since, Terry participated in just about every committee that he could, including Sunnybrook Foundation’s Board, Governing Council, Veterans Campaign Cabinet and more. For his outstanding service, Terry was honoured in 2011 with the prestigious Sunnybrook Rose Award.

Terry’s impact on Sunnybrook will continue in perpetuity, thanks to his membership in the Kilgour Legacy Society. As a long-time volunteer lead and champion of our Gift & Estate Planning Program, Terry played a pivotal role in inspiring others to leave a legacy gift to Sunnybrook in their wills – just as he did.

Terry gave back with more than just his time. Together with his wife, they made significant contributions to important initiatives, including the renovation of Sunnybrook’s Veterans Centre. It was a space especially near and dear to Terry and Corey, as Corey’s father served as one of the youngest Canadian naval commanders during the Second World War and was later cared for by Sunnybrook.

More recently, Terry and Corey became involved in our Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program, supporting the next generation of leaders in Alzheimer’s and dementia research.

All of these efforts speak to Terry’s overarching wish to leave a positive impact on the world, which he most certainly did.